Here are a few collections of projects organized to best represent the different hats I often wear in the development process. Be sure to check out the read more’s to get each project’s full breakdown.

Design Director

Projects where I served in a leadership role as it concerns design. Often this involved navigating design constraints, establishing and maintaining core vision, and managing team mates.


Game Designer

Projects where I served as a game designer. Within these projects I got my hands dirty with the minutia of design whether that was designing and iterating on systems and mechanics or balancing and tuning values.


Technical Designer

Projects where I served as a technical designer, programming systems and gameplay along with the front facing tools that enabled features to be tweaked and tuned.


UI Designer

Projects where I served as a UI designer. Across these projects I designed, made art for, and scripted UI elements for menus and HUDs.


Applied Games Developer

Projects where I worked on Applied Games, also known as Serious Games or Games for Change. Within these I worked to solve unique problems often alongside SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) and non-standard technologies.


Full Project Portfolio